The Lord
your God is bringing you into a good land... thank the Lord your God for the good land he has given you.
~ Deuteronomy 8: 7 & 10
There ain't nothing wrong with a little reminder every once and a while.
Like that old Gospel song says, "When I look back over my life and I think things over, I can truly say that I have been blessed I have a testimony!"
I almost forgot though.
I almost forgot that my life got threatened weekly at my job.
I almost forgot that I had to work hours upon hours upon hours during my weekend.
I almost forgot that I got cussed out and cussed at by children and grown folks Monday through Friday. (For a while I thought my first name was "Bitch" and my last name was "Be Trippin'.")
I almost forgot that I had thousands of papers to grade each month.
I almost forgot that the physical strains of the job put me in the emergency room.
I almost forgot about the thanklessness of the job, the desolation of my situation at the school I taught at in Baton Rouge.
So thank God for bringing it all back to my remembrance. I was organizing letters from the prisoner when I stumbled across a letter where he told me that I should be fitted for a Teflon vest due to the conditions at my school. Ha! A death row inmate telling me that I was in a dangerous situation.
Yeah. I almost forgot.
The children of Israel "almost forgot" how far God had brought them too. They'd gone from a land of slavery into a land of milk and honey, yet they almost forgot.
Thank God that I am now in a "good land". And because He has proven himself over and over and over again, I will continue to have faith in Him and make faith a verb.
Amen!!!! I needed that reminder! God Bless!