Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Sky Is NOT the Limit

God said, “Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will mark events, sacred seasons, days, and years. They will be lights in the dome of the sky to shine on the earth.” And that’s what happened.
~ Genesis 1:14-15 

So, when I die, I know exactly what I'm going to say to Jesus.

First I'm going to tell him "Thank you, like....for realz." And then I'm going to ask Him for a favor: "Can you show me around?"

There's this old school Gospel song called "Walk Around Heaven All Day".

Well when I read Genesis 1:14-15, I realized just how big, awesome, endless, spectacular ...and old the universe must be....that's a lot of walking. So I'm going to ask for a flight tour.

God created it on the fourth day of creation....that's a long time ago....and that's a lot of Heaven.

Sunday, I just so happened to stumble across a show called "The Universe". I usually shy away from these kind of shows because they usually try to diss Jesus and I'm not down with that.

But this one? Oh my God....literally! Did you know that there are -- at least -- tens of thousands of different galaxies in the universe?

The host gave viewers a closer look at some shot that some hubble-somehting-or-other took. In the space where he placed his thumb -- upon closer magnification -- scientists say they can identify more than a dozen systems/galaxies....HOW FRIGGIN' GREAT IS OUR GOD!!!!

So, for real, I want to see that. I want to fly around and take it all in -- the pictures of space (all of the new parts that scientists had no idea existed) are already soooo awesome, I can't wait to see all that we DON'T know.

...and that's another thing I love about my God's universe: It's the ONE THING that scientists ADMIT that they don't know a spit-in-the-ocean's worth about.


That totally makes me smile.

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