~1 Chronicles 16:8
So, today's song selection of thankfulness is "Blessing Me" by Bishop Larry Trotter.
....and here are ten of the things I'm thankful to God for today....
1. I realized how awesome it is to have running water. (Watched a UNICEF ad...)
2. Crawfish. Tonight's episode of Swamp People had me reminiscing like crazy over my bayou summers.

3. Literacy. You'd be surprised how many people just can not read.
4. Shea Butter. I love what it does to my natural hair and it smells amazing.
5. Not being in jail. With this Zimmerman thing, First 48 doing some quasi-marathon and my "prisoner friend" writing me, I realize a) how many times I could've/should've gotten arrested but didn't and b) how great freedom is.
6. Rain. As soon as I walked outside after work today, the sky opened up. And, in a nod to the immortal words of that little boy from The Color Purple; "It rained on my head" and it was the epitome of rejuvenation.
7. Students like Bobbi. There's this senior at the high school I where I work and she's great. She's a big girl with even bigger confidence and decent writing ability. I offered to help the entire journalism class -- two classes actually -- and she's the only one who's taken me up on it....and get this, she's appreciative! *clutch the pearls*
8. Financial stability. I'm coming out of a storm of identity theft y'all. This boy stole my check card information and used it to steal a ton of money. Well, praise God, I've got a police report filed, all of my money back, and new credit cards (They came in the mail today.) I also went ahead and took this opportunity to cancel my Best Buy credit card.
9. My boss. She's the first boss I can truly say that I like. She's doing all she can to make sure that my temporary assistant position turns into a permanent position next year and she gives me kudos for a job well done aaaaaall the time. This is the first time I've truly felt appreciated at a job.
10. Dad's headphones. They help you hear all of these little, intricate parts of songs that you love, parts that -- regardless of how many times you've heard the song -- you may have never listened to before. And in that same vein, I thank God for my sense of hearing. <= That's #11
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