~2 Peter 2:9
I'll be honest: If I could, I would personally insert the needle into that muthafucka's arm to administer every single chemical that causes a termination of life in regards to the justice system's administration of the death penalty.
...just saying.
I'm not a liar.
In the past two weeks or so I have had a police officer (who called me daily and talked about "love and happiness" and "real connections" but who, I later found out, has THREE different aliases that he gives women) AND a death row inmate (I have more than 150 pages of written lies from more than a year's worth of correspondence from this rat bastard) to me about their marital status while they acted as if they were interested in me.
This don't say shit about my self worth, but most definitely speaks volumes about these fools' morals.
...quite simply, they are fucked up individuals.
So, in response to the death row inmates/ex-fiance' trying to (POORLY!) explain his "real intentions", I have two responses.
1) 21 questions
2) A good dose of "lettin' alone"
Here are the questions:
1. Have you really found the Lord?
2. How did you all meet?
3. When did you all meet?
4. How often do you write her?
5. Why does she know about me, but I don't know about her?
6. How do/did you know she and I talked?
7. Why is she claiming to be your wife?
8. Do you tell her the same things you tell me?
9. Why did you continue writing me when I asked about staying in contact after school ended?
10. Is she your soul mate?
11. How many times has she visited you?
12. What is your relationship with her (past, present, future)?
13. Do you have romantic feelings for her?
14. How do you feel about her?
15. Have you proposed to her?
16. How many other women do you write to?
17. How many other women have you proposed to?
18. How many other women are you in love with/told that you love them?
19. How many other women are your soul mate?
20. How many other women are there?
21. Why did you feel you had to lie?
...at the risk of sounding melodramatic (I just finished watching Mommy Dearest) I'd have to say that the death row inmate's greatest crime was not one of written law, but a crime of the heart, for he, quite possibly, killed my ability to love, to feel.
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