Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law.
~ Romans 13:8
~ Romans 13:8
So, this post is a bit late, but I'm going to share anyway. The charter school organization who used to employ me (and which will remain nameless :o) ) told me I could pick up my final check on the 15th after 12 p.m.
I showed up at 12:38 p.m.
No one was in the office....no one. I knocked. I banged. I called.
There was no way that I was leaving without my money, so I peaked in all of the blinds alllll around the building.
In the back, I peeped a young woman and motioned for her to come to the door.
"I don't work here. They're all at the Christmas party."
"Christmas party?" I replied.
"Yeah. They're in the building over there, in the back."
So I began the second stage of my reconnaissance mission: Find Christmas party.
I hear cackling from the Harpies of HR coming from a building that had all heavily tinted windows. Before I could knock, two of the Harpies exit the door.

The facilities manager is holding the door for them.
I peak my head around as not to scare them. "Hi."
"May I help you?"
"Yes," I say in my most professional voice (Never mind I was wearing a Cookie Monster T-shirt). "I'm here to pick up my final check."
One of the Harpies walks me back to the building I came from. (Mind you, this has become a 20 minute ordeal by this point.)
She asks my name and fingers through some envelopes behind the unmanned front desk.
"Here you go."
I honestly was expecting a 50-cent check....like, not a "Go shawty, it's ya birf-day" kind of 50-cent check....but like, a check that was worth half of $1.
To my surprise, it was $34.48....I thought so, I thought.
Upon closer inspection I notice that this is a reimbursement for posters I bought with my own money earlier in the year.
I email the Head Harpy of HR. She tells me that they mailed my final check.
...so, whhhhhy did you say I had to pick up my final check? ...Oh yeah, because you're disorganized.
I showed up at 12:38 p.m.
No one was in the office....no one. I knocked. I banged. I called.
There was no way that I was leaving without my money, so I peaked in all of the blinds alllll around the building.
In the back, I peeped a young woman and motioned for her to come to the door.
"I don't work here. They're all at the Christmas party."
"Christmas party?" I replied.
"Yeah. They're in the building over there, in the back."
So I began the second stage of my reconnaissance mission: Find Christmas party.
I hear cackling from the Harpies of HR coming from a building that had all heavily tinted windows. Before I could knock, two of the Harpies exit the door.

The facilities manager is holding the door for them.
I peak my head around as not to scare them. "Hi."
"May I help you?"
"Yes," I say in my most professional voice (Never mind I was wearing a Cookie Monster T-shirt). "I'm here to pick up my final check."
One of the Harpies walks me back to the building I came from. (Mind you, this has become a 20 minute ordeal by this point.)
She asks my name and fingers through some envelopes behind the unmanned front desk.
"Here you go."
I honestly was expecting a 50-cent check....like, not a "Go shawty, it's ya birf-day" kind of 50-cent check....but like, a check that was worth half of $1.
To my surprise, it was $34.48....I thought so, I thought.
Upon closer inspection I notice that this is a reimbursement for posters I bought with my own money earlier in the year.
I email the Head Harpy of HR. She tells me that they mailed my final check.
...so, whhhhhy did you say I had to pick up my final check? ...Oh yeah, because you're disorganized.
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