Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
-- Psalm 100: 1 - 2

So, yeah, I've got a song -- actually, lots of songs.
Somebody else wrote a song about it. Like to hear 'em? Here dey go!
1. Keep on Pushing by The Impressions

2. Freedom by George Michael

3. Spaceship by Kanye West

4. Control by Janet Jackson

5. Zoom by The Commodores

6. Shove this Jay Oh Bee by Biz Markie

7. Shackles (Praise You) by Mary Mary

8. I Want To Be Free by The Ohio Players

9. The Blessing of Abraham by Donald Lawrence

10. Liberation by Outkast featuring Dungeon Family and Erykah Badu

6. Shove this Jay Oh Bee by Biz Markie

7. Shackles (Praise You) by Mary Mary

8. I Want To Be Free by The Ohio Players

9. The Blessing of Abraham by Donald Lawrence

10. Liberation by Outkast featuring Dungeon Family and Erykah Badu

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