Saturday, December 24, 2011

Maybe I'm crazy...

Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed. Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Proverbs 27:5-6

So, apparently, I've gone insane. I'm in love with an author, a poet, a free-thinker, a militantly-minded spirit who I know if my soul mate.

We have our own set of issues: it's a long-distance relationship; he's 21 years my senior...and oh yeah, he's on death row.

But, like Jill Scott says in Womanifesto, I am a woman with a heart that "loves wholly and completely. Whom it may choose. Whomever it may choose". And my heart and soul love him completely.

We're engaged to be married.

I've told a few of my friends. Some of them are supportive. Some, not so much. All of them are a little shocked.

The non-supportive ones, I know, are truly just loving me the best way they know how. I know this, but it doesn't make it any less disappointing when they "disapprove".

My best friend had this to say via text: "Just thinking. About you. While I will respect and support your decisions because I love you, I must also be a voice of reason because I care. Please do not "settle" for anything less than you deserve. You are an amazing woman worthy of the world. That being said, only you know what you are willing to accept. I will always love you for being a daring woman. Make sure that this is the leap you want to take. I'm down for you regardless."

My mentor suggested that I see a therapist.

We met up for dinner and while catching up he said that I might want to seek professional help with "figuring out why (I'm) doing this."

My answer is simple: It's love.

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